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Parent Education

Free Parent Ed Speaker Series

Links to free virtual speaker series presented by local school and parent organizations.

Who is allowed to say the N!word? What do we do or say when the N!word is said in our classrooms, hallways, practices, cafeterias and resident halls? Ignoring the N!Word is not an option anymore - You can hear N!Word everywhere nowadays. Participants are challenged to examine their personal/professional histories with N!Word when and/or how they first heard N!Word and pictures/feelings associated with the word. The workshop encourages all people, but specifically future leaders, educators and parents, to consider the ramifications of casual or uniformed usage of a powerful and troublesome word.

Participants will leave the session with:

  • a heightened understanding of the impact of the word, especially on our youth;

  • strategies for eliminating the word from school/curriculum;

  • resources for continued growth and development of strategies for addressing difficult conversations.

Alison Gopnik, Ph.D.
Curious Children, Wise Elders: How Childhood and Elderhood Shape Intelligence and Learning



1:00 pm

Drawing on her own cutting-edge scientific research, Alison Gopnik, Ph.D., will reveal fascinating insights into how caregiving relationships in childhood and old age evolve distinctive capacities for cognition. Gopnik will explain how these two developmental life stages are related, and how the relationship between children and grandparents, in particular, is key to human culture. Parents and grandparents are invited to join this special event!

Tech-savvy kids today are constantly awash in a sea of unfiltered information. Julie Bogart, author of the indispensable book “The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life,” will draw on her more than 20 years of curriculum development experience to share strategies for parents to coach critical digital literacy skills in their kids.

Don’t miss this essential talk by Jeffery Robinson and Khalil Gibran Muhammad, two of the nation’s leading scholars on race, democracy, inequality and criminal justice. Their message: Forging a more equitable society now and in the future requires that the history of race and racism be honestly represented in our nation’s classrooms.


Registration coming soon.

Drawing on more than 40 years of research in the fields of intimacy and sexuality, Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., will speak about how couples can zest up their relationship, sharing the secrets of happy couples and depicting the profound intimacy, mutual respect and deep friendship that can be achieved in a modern egalitarian partnership.

Registration Coming Soon.

Edward Hallowell, M.D., Ed.D.
The Shifting ADHD/ADD Lens: Moving From Disability to Ability

1:00 pm

Dr. Edward Hallowell, New York Times–bestselling co-author of the groundbreaking books “Driven to Distraction” and “Delivered From Distraction,” will share his insights on the latest brain science behind ADHD/ADD and his strengths-based approach to identifying, developing and celebrating the talents embedded in ADHD, dyslexia and other syndromes.

Registration Coming Soon.

Within this presentation LeDerick Horne will draw from the book “Empowering. Students with Hidden Disabilities: A Path to Pride and Success.” LeDerick will share his own experience navigating special education classes and will give advice to help all students develop positive identities as people with disabilities. Strategies to help students reach their transition goals will be provided. The audience will also explore the intersectionality of disability, race, and identity to help them create more inclusive schools and communities. LeDerick’s personal story and poetry will also be shared during this talk.

Participants will be able to:

• List several evidence-based practices and strategies which can empower students with disabilities to reach their transition goals.

• Describe the importance of disability identity to reduce stigma and improve student engagement and disability pride.

• Address many of the challenges facing students with disabilities from communities of color to help service providers and families build a more equitable learning environment.

• List sources of mentors and role modelsto help students build a meaningful connection to the disability community.

Jessica Joelle Alexander
The Danish Way: Insights Into International Parenting

11:00 am

In this fascinating ParentEd Talks event, cultural researcher and author Jessica Joelle Alexander will reveal the secrets of the Danish style of parenting that will help parents of all walks of life “raise the happiest, most well-adjusted kids in the world,” applying her “PARENT” acronym: Play, Authenticity, Reframing, Empathy, No ultimatums and Togetherness.

Registration Coming Soon.

Christine Carter, Ph.D.
The Habits of Highly Effective Adolescents

2:00 pm

In this interactive talk, acclaimed sociologist and leadership coach (and mother of four teenagers!) Christine Carter, Ph.D., will draw on scientific research to outline realistic ways parents and educators can help preteens, teens and college students find focus and fulfillment through the development of effective habit formation, goal-setting and authentic leadership skills.

Registration Coming Soon.

Kimberlee Williams, Author of Dear White Woman, Please Come Home, is a humanist first and believes that racism can be dismantled through authentic relationship building where a mirror is held up to interrogate one's assumptions, beliefs, behaviors, and patterns of interactions. With a shift in any and all of the above as authentic relationships dive beneath the surface, the power and harm caused by the legacy of racism can be dismantled.

Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
Transforming Trauma and Navigating Overwhelm

1:00 pm

In this interactive talk, trauma exposure pioneer Laura van Dernoot Lipsky will offer practical tools to help us sustain, individually and collectively, in the face of trauma, secondary trauma and overwhelm. She will discuss what the consequences of trauma are as well as strategies for supporting ourselves and each other.

Registration Coming Soon.

Elizabeth Jordan
The Perils of Permissive Parenting

time tbd

Behavioral scientist Elizabeth Jordan thinks today’s parents lack the determination required to uphold the appropriately strict values of “traditional parenting” that result in the best outcomes for kids. She’ll expose the common pitfalls of permissiveness that result in traumatized parents and entitled teens — and reveal the power of the most crucial ingredient of effective parenting: humor.

Registration Coming Soon.

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